Rpg maker steam greenlight
Rpg maker steam greenlight

rpg maker steam greenlight

He is then trained by Toby Lau, whom is nicknamed Homo Lau because… he’s a home owner. As such, he gets a job at a host club, a bar where attractive men hang out with and flirt with female customers. Our story is about someone named Jayson, a young high school student with no skills or credentials for anything other than hitting on women. At best, it would get a 2, and that’s only be because I laughed at how ridiculous it was at points. However, the game would still receive the same score even without this glitch. As such, this would normally be an instant 1 out of 10 in any case. What excuse is there for this? Even worse is that it has been several months since the game’s release, and this still has not been fixed.

rpg maker steam greenlight


This level of developer incompetence is embarrassing.Įven some of the most buggy and glitchy games on Steam Greenlight will at least start up after you download them. Yes, you read correctly the game will not even function unless you manually rename the game’s exe file. It turns out that the game’s exe file is not programmed correctly and the player will need to rename the file manually. I initially thought something may have just been wrong with my program when trying to start the game, but upon checking the game’s steam discussions, I saw I was not the only one. If when you try to start up the game, nothing will happen. Baller industries blew this game’s budget on the opening sequence it seems.įirst of all, I’d like to start out by saying that this game does not even work properly.

Rpg maker steam greenlight